Our iTunes Library
Posted by Don | Under Music Friday Jul 7, 2006As you might have read, I am in the process of ripping all of my over 600 music CDs for use with my SqueezeBox and with our iPods. It is taking a long time. Sometimes I won’t rip any for weeks and then I’ll rip 50 in a weeked. Well, I’m almost done. I was looking for a way to print out the contents of our iTunes Library so that I could tally which CDs I’ve ripped and which ones I haven’t. Sometimes paper and pencil are faster than doing it on the computer. While I was looking, I came across a tool called tunesxml2html that puts together a nice web page from the XML file that iTunes uses to keep track of its library. Although the tool has a few bugs and I’ve had to change some of the Perl source to output things the way I want them, it seems like a handy little utility. I’ve posted the first web page I’ve created with it on a new page on this site. I’ve also added a link to “On This Site” on the right-hand side.